2011年3月11日 - 巨大地震と続いて起きた津波により、日本の東北・関東太平洋沿岸地域は壊滅的な被害を受けました。被害に遭われた方々には心よりお見舞い申し上げます。
We would like to offer our sincere sympathies and condolences to everyone affected during the earthquake and tsunami in the northeastern area of Japan on March 11th, 2011. We will do our best to support and help you to rebuild your lives.
「Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」の活動を進めていくためには、多くの方のボランティアと資金が必要となります。この計画に賛同して下さる皆様からの寄付を受け付けております。
In order for us to be effective, we will need volunteers and especially funding. If you are willing, we ask for a small donation to do the following:
All the proceeds will go directly into this project, which will continue for as long as possible. Any amount we receive will be logged with your name and amount, if you want us to. Also, you will have complete access to see where your money is being spent.
5,000円以上寄付して頂いた方には「Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」のTシャツとステッカーをお渡ししています
For your donation of 5000 yen or more, we would like to give you a team t-shirt and sticker in the hopes that you will spread the word of our efforts.
For those who would like to purchase and donate for our cause, please provide us with the following information in the inquiry form