チームヒールジャパン ロゴ

Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」は、様々な形で思いやりや優しさを与えてくれた日本という国に恩返ししたいと思っている人達で結成されたグループです

Team HEAL Japan is offering our help to give back to the country that has proven to be a place that is enriched with so much consideration and kindness.


Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」は特別な存在ではなく「困っている人々を助けたい」と思って活動しているグループです

We are a bunch of ordinary people, just like you, and just like the people in need of our help. We are Japanese, or non-Japanese mostly who have lived here for some time. As such we have a network of friends, acquaintances and colleagues who we know who’d like to help. “One Team.”

Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン 」のメンバーの多くは教育関係の仕事に就いており、青少年や子供たちが今回の震災を1日も早く乗り越えて未来に向かって進むことは大切なことと思っています

Many of us have worked in education and recognize the need to nurture the youth over their trauma as soon as possible. The devastated areas had a high population of aged people, so it is even more important to nurture the seeds of regrowth to prevent the areas becoming completely barren in the future. Hopefully our experience will help provide the patience and inspiration needed for this regrowth.


Team HEAL Japanの概要 Outline of Team HEAL Japan

名 称 Official Name
Team HEAL Japan (チームヒールジャパン)
代表者 Founder
村松 ショーン
Sean Muramatsu
事務局 Office
130-0005 東京都墨田区東駒形2-9-9 2F
2-9-9 Higashi Komagata 2F, Sumida Ward Tokyo 130-0005 JAPAN
お問合せ Contact
Please contact through FAX or our inquiry form
THJ規約 THJ Agreement Form
THJ規約 THJ Agreement Form (Japanese only)
代表者略歴 Background of the founder, Sean Muramatsu
2011年3月11日の大震災を目の当たりにし、日本の復旧・復興に少しでも貢献する事は出来ないかと思い、同じ気持ちを持つ仲間と共に「Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン」を立ち上げる
Born in Kyoto, Japan and raised in California. Worked as a chef throughout college and came to Japan at the age of 23 to study authentic Japanese cuisine. While studying Japanese cuisine, began teaching English at various institutions. Teaching English became more of a passion and began dialog coaching various actors, artists and performers. In 2008,launched a production company specializing in dialog coaching, narration work, and translation & interpretation services.
Hobbies include;Japanese culture, tradition, and experiencing the beauty of the country through the different seasons of Japan. Through these experiences, he fell in love with the country even more.
Being affected during the great Tohoku earthquake & tsunami, along with his close friends (who also love Japan), Sean decided to start a volunteer project called "Team HEAL Japan" to help the people in the disaster stricken areas.

主要メンバー Team Members

代表者 Founder
村松 ショーン Sean Muramatsu
本部長 General Manager
中西 一郎 Ichiro Nakanishi
事務局長 Managing Director
瀧日 優之 Masayuki Takihi
事務局 Managing Assistant
西村 悠路 Yuro Nishimura
チームリーダー Team Leader
小西 聡 Satoshi Konishi
松岡 大輔 Daisuke Matsuoka
マット ヒル Mat Hill
フィル リース Phil Rees
因藤 亘洋 Koyo Into
室岡 喜一郎 Kiichiro Murooka
石坂 英作 Eisaku Ishizaka
高橋 英樹 Hideki Takahashi
高橋 由美 Yumi Takahashi
後藤 聡彦 Toshihiko Goto
撮影 Photographer
シルバン ガラス Sylvain Garassus
ルーベル ディルク Dirk Rebel

Team HEAL Japan の名前の由来 Origin of our team name

Team HEAL Japan チームヒールジャパン」のHEALがなぜ大文字なのかというと、「Helping Education And Life」の頭文字をとったのと「Heal(癒される)」を掛けたためです。

Our abbreviated meaning to HEAL is: "Helping Education And Life".
Our main purpose is to "HEAL" and support the people and especially the children in Japan during this time of need.

リンクについて Linking our website

リンクを張るURL 「 http://www.teamheal.jp/ 」

We ask that you introduce and spread the word of our efforts through your website, blogs, or other networking sites. Please feel free to use the banners below to link to our website.
The URL domain for our website is " http://www.teamheal.jp/ "
Thank you !!

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